Adam Driver´s advices, anecdotes, and experiences. Ex-marine and actor known for HBO series "Girls" and y Kylo Ren, Star Wars´ villain. ツ CONECT WITH US ツ Follow us on Instagram for extra content � ⚑ SUSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL ⚑ For more acting, movies, and cinema contents! ★AUDIOVISUAL PRODUCER★ La…

Very happy with this news! The young actor Martí Cordero filmed with us a few months ago and has announced the incorporation of him to the cast of a new Movistar series. Here you can see the video in which he gives us the news: We wish you Martí many successes! #actor…

Comedy is difficult; especially in acting, but also in scriptwriting and directing. It is a very complex genre. In this case with Iván Labanda the complexity becomes affordable, to the point of turning it around, achieving the freshness and organicity necessary to have a great time with this little gem. The scene comes to life…

Do you want to get more auditions with your new showreel? You can go one step further and produce a short film, to enter festivals and do some networking. Why wait for them to call you when you can call them? If you don't get enough auditions, getting on a festival circuit is a very…

Very happy that Óscar Giménez, thanks to the material he shot with us, starts with Yolanda Fuster in La Farándula, an agent in Barcelona. Here is a video of him speaking on instagram! Thanks Oscar for letting us publish this news! to know more about us? We are the leading production…

Hello everyone! From the beginning we've been La Masia Reels "Dreams that Take Off". Almost 6 years after starting our adventure, we literally took off, because no matter how many obstacles come, we will always have a dream in mind, to become a film production company. Do you want to see the problems we had…

We are fully committed to creation, shooting, and edition of professional showreels' scenes for actors since 2015. In this post, we would love to make sure that you will find job if you keep in mind this common mistakes. But we would be lying.
However, what we can make sure is that if your…

Frame from La Masia Reels - Showreels for actors According to first hand information that we received from Casting Directors (thanks to our Casting Director interviews that will be released in 2021) such as Tonucha Vidal, Luci Lenox, Carmen Utrilla, in Spain; or Scott David, Jane Jenkins in Los Angeles; among other professionals, we can…

Probably it would be one of those questions that round your mind constantly if you are a dedicated actor. And, while finding the answer maybe you can understand better the industry you are in, and your profession as well. Let's say the Director is ourserlves, one evening on a party or a club. We consider…

Discover our lab here > Here is the list of the best tips! Think that doing a casting is similar to sow, not harvest or hunt. This little conceptual shift will give you mental health, and the necessary relaxing feeling for not getting blocked. Think that showing a good acting is going to help you…

Luci Lenox CASTING DIRECTOR, LUCI LENOX, TALKS, ON THIS SECOND EDITION OF THE INTERVIEW, ABOUT AGENTS AND THE WHOLE CASTING PROCESS The International Casting Director, responsible of "The Perfume's" casting, directed by Tom Tykwer, or "The Cold Light of Day" directed by Mabrouk El Mechri, among others, shares with La Masia Reels her point of…

Luci Lenox - Photography by Fernando Pérez Luci Lenox, International Casting Director, known for doing the casting of "Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona" directed by Woody Allen or "A Monster Calls" directed by J.A. Bayona, among others, shares with La Masia Reels her opinion about showreels for actors! The second part of this interview, about agents and…